The Freedom to Choose
As a brand built on empowering people, we believe everyone should have access to the medical care they need, including access to safe abortions, without restrictions. We stand with our industry peers against policies that limit people’s independence and their ability to make their own personal health decisions.

We Stand Together
Andrew Fitzsimons is hosting a virtual beauty auction to raise funds for Planned Parenthood and their mission to fight for reproductive rights. The Supreme Court took away the federal right to abortion with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Restricting access to comprehensive reproductive health care harms people who can become pregnant — physically, mentally, and financially. Planned Parenthood’s mission is to ensure all people have access to the care and resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies, their lives, and their futures. Join us as we stand with beauty industry leaders and business founders to donate products, bundles, experiences for a virtual auction.Beautiful Actions
At Andrew Fitzsimons, we are committed as a brand to create an ongoing support and action network between existing LGBTQ+ support centers around the world to drive meaningful change. These centers offer comprehensive resources and services for transgender and non-binary people under one roof.

Andrew & the London LGBTQ+ Centre Team

Andrew & Mariana from The Los Angeles TransWellness Center
Through these centers, we will support the community via beauty product donations for transgender or non-conforming people in need and will bring awareness and fundraise where help is needed through our owned media vehicles, as well as offering our retail partners pronoun training workshops for store associates. The Andrew Fitzsimons team is committed to making the world a more inclusive, beautiful place through volunteering at their local centers and individual actions.
Cosmetic Donation Program
In 2017, Andrew launched the Cosmetic Donation Program at the LA Trans Wellness Center. Want to get involved?
1. Gather your UNUSED cosmetics/self-care products
2. Bring them to the LA Trans Wellness Center at 3055 Wilshire Blvd, Unit 360, Los Angeles CA 90010
3. Share your contribution on social media #TransWellnessCenter @TransWellnessCenter